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Lectors Lectors

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Posted on Tue, Mar 8, 2011


  1. Use it as your prayer time.
  2. Use the lector workbook and commentary for a deeper understanding of the Word.





  1. Open the Lectionary to the correct readings and open the lector’s notebook on top of the Lectionary. 
  2. Begin the introduction and welcome to the Mass. 
  3. When finished place the notebook on the shelf under the ambo. 
  4. Return through the sacristy to the office side doors of the church for the opening procession.




If the Deacon is not present and the lector is carrying the Book of Gospels:


  1. The lector does not genuflect but should simply bow their head (not the Book) in respect for the Book of Gospels. 
  2. Then as everyone moves to their positions, the lector walks up the step and places the Book of Gospels on the main altar.
  3. The front of the book should be facing the assembly. 
  4. The lector proceeds to their place in the assembly and the Mass begins. 


  1. Pause… cite the reading…proclaim the reading
  2. Pause after reading for three to five seconds before saying “The Word of the Lord”.
  1. If the lector is to read the Responsorial Psalm begin after a period of silence. (Use a silent Our Father then begin the psalm.) 
  2. After the psalm there is another period of silence. 
  3. Then begin the second reading. Use the same procedure as for the first reading.


  1. Quietly reach for the lector’s notebook, quietly place it on the ambo, and open to the page for the petitions.
  2. After the presider finishes the closing prayer for the petitions return to your seat.