Title: | Meg Thompson |
Email Address: | gmail.com@stbrendanfaithformation |
About: | Dear Families: We ask all Catholic parents of St. Brendan Parish with children ages 5-17 to register them in our Faith Formation Program. Our program prepares youth for receiving sacraments and teaches how to profess, live, and practice the Catholic faith in this world. You can register anytime during the year in our Parish / Faith Formation Office at 3455 Ewings Rd, Newfane. Every Sunday except Holiday weekends our catechists teach faith in Newfane Hall from 9:00 - 10:00am. Also all families are strongly encouraged to participate every Sunday in the most important event of our faith, that is Holy Mass. Celebrated at 8:00am in Newfane or 11:00am in Wilson (May - Oct. in Olcott) Email : [email protected] Phone: (716) 778-9822 ext. 12